His activities

  • Unscramble Letters Game

    Scrambled Words

    Unscramble Letters Game

    Instructions: Listen to the audio and then make the word with correct spelling.

  • Quiz

    Instructions: The following test has six questions about simple past tense. You need to answer correctly.

  • Dictation Game


    Dictation Game

    Instructions: listen carefully to the audios, after that, write the sentences that you heard.

  • Alphabet Game

    Simple Past Verbs

    Alphabet Game

    Instructions: According to the letter and image displayed, write a verb that contains or starts with that letter.

  • Riddle

    Instructions: Listen to the clues and guess the phrase.

  • Video Quiz


    Video Quiz

    Instructions: Watch the next video and pay attention to the dialogues in order to answer the questions.

  • Crossword Puzzle


    Crossword Puzzle

    Instructions: According with the verbs showed you have to fill in the gaps with the simple past form.