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Create Map Quizzes

Create your own online Map Quiz or search among the thousands of Map Quizzes that other Educaplay users have created. You can also generate Map Quizzes for print.
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246,624 Map Quizzes created by users on Educaplay

How does it work...

Add an image and mark a series of points on it for your players to identify.

You can have them locate countries on a map, organs in the human body, parts in an engine, elements in an architectural structure... The possibilities are endless!

Use the 'Explore' mode if you only want to show where the points are, the 'Play' mode if you want them to guess each one, or the 'Explore and Play' mode if you prefer them to do both.

Decide whether to provide them with the names of the points for them to find or if they have to write them themselves.

You can set time or life limits to make it more exciting.