New Activity


New Interactive Map features with HTML5

18th of February 2013


There are already available Educaplay interactive maps in HTML5. It implies that now you can use them in any device, even in those not supporting Flash (tablets, ipad, smartphone etc).
And there is much more. We have extend maps functionallities with the following improvements:
Maps can be used to evaulate the knwoledge (Game), as a demonstration to show information (Demonstration ) or both of them. This functionallity is only available in the HTML5 version, having no effect on the Flash version of the activity. For example, if we want to learn the districts of London first we could see them over a map and study its distribution and then check with the game if we have memorized them or not.
When using interactive maps as demonstration, it is possible to create interactive images that aims us to discover and extend information with text and links to resources such as webpages, videos, wikis, etc. (Sample: London Districts)
Demonstration can be configured in two different ways. Sequence allows to discover different points in a predeefined order. Menwhile, free mode allows the student to discover by his own the info of each point. (Sample: Muscles of the Human Body)
Another new feature is the possiblity to zoom over the image. This feature avoids density of points problem, allowing the students to apply a zoom to increase the size of the image an accurate the precission on the image.



Authors can also specify an audio for each point on the map to be used as a clue. This feature has been requested by a great amount of Educaplayers, most of them music teachers or foreign language teachers.

You can also print any interactive map in three different ways: Learn, Mark or Write. (Print preview sample)
Once the interactive map activitie is finished, a feed-back page will be shown, allowing the user to discover if their answers were right or wrong, and see more info about the points defined on the interactive map.
New interactive map activites have been adaptive designed to be correctly displayed independently of the device's dimmensions.
Those features improves significantly the possibilities of interactive map activities. Do not hesitate to exploit those improvements in your lessons, and make your classes more entertained and educative than ever before.
Hugs to all educaplayers


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